Village Kukma, Ta. Bhuj, Dist. Kachchh
Inspired by : HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
Adopted by : BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha
Sponsored by : People of Mumbai
Location :

Kukma is located on Bhuj - Anjar State Highway, 12 Kms away from Bhuj, appx. 1 Km interior. The village has 43 families. All of them belong to economically hard-pressed tenants. When houses were they lived got totally destroyed, on 26th Jan 2001 due to the earthquake, they had no place to live.
The Residents:
The village consists of Brahmin community.
Association with BAPS
Sadhus from Bhuj BAPS temple visited this village on 28-01-2001, with relief materials, which was their first association with the villagers. Subsequently, BAPS adopted this village for rehabilitation. Allocation of land and governmental procedures took more than a year. As soon as the new plot of land was acquired, one Km away form the ruins, Bhumipujan was performed on 29.04.2002. With the blessings of HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj the new colony Pramukh Swami Nagar, was born. Actual construction work started in May 1st 2002.
Pramukh Swami Nagar:-

The site is spread in (5,600 Sq. m.) land area, with same type of houses for all beneficiaries.
Fact sheet - Timeline
Foundation Stone Ceremony - 29 April 2002.
Actual Work Started - 1st May 2002.
Allocation of land and governmental procedures took almost one year. As soon as the site for the new colony was allotted, Bhumipujan was performed on 29 April 2002 and work started after one day.
Date of Completion - 1st week of November 2002
43 Houses
100 Sq. mt.
Built up
46 Sq. mt.
40.00 Sq. mt.
7.20 Sq. mt.
9.20 m. & 6.0 m
Two Room, Kitchen, Toilet Veranda
Total Houses
Water, electric power and sewage system is provided by BAPS.