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The 2012 National Kishore-Kishori Mandal Shibir was held at Warwick Conference Park near Coventry, UK from Friday 24 August to Monday 27 August. The four-day event enjoyed the presence of sadhus from India, including Narendraprasad Swami (Acharya Swami), Gnaneshwar Swami, Shrutiprakash Swami, Vivekjivan Swami and Mukundcharan Swami, as well as sadhus from BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London.

More than 440 youths aged between 14 and 23 from around the country convened at the picturesque university campus for the shibir entitled ‘Rajipo’, which incorporated a national adhiveshan (competition series) as well as the Amrut Cup 5-a-side football tournament.

The adhiveshan took place on the first day of the shibir. The aim was to strengthen Satsang knowledge, consolidate understanding of the Akshar-Purushottam upasana, and identify and develop a spectrum of skills and talents within kishores and kishoris.

The subsequent three days each focussed on the theme of ‘Rajipo’ (loosely meaning ‘blessings after pleasing God and Guru’) and how it can be earned, experienced and enjoyed.

The learned sadhus elaborated upon each of these aspects through thought-provoking speeches as their core messages were introduced and enhanced with videos, multimedia presentations, interactive sessions and group discussions.

The profound spiritual messages of the shibir were made further accessible for the youths through novel and engaging means. For example, a courtroom scenario was adopted to inquire into the means of earning rajipo. Sadhus serving as expert witnesses were called upon to present their case and answer questions from the dock.

A memorable highlight of the shibir was the evening of devotional singing. Rajipo became a musical journey as Shukmuni Swami and Yagnatilak Swami beautifully sang bhajans that illustrated the rajipo earned and enjoyed by devotees from the time of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. This was supported with narrations from Shrutiprakash Swami who illuminated the key messages of the bhajans.

The weekend afternoons were set aside for sports. While the kishoris enjoyed indoor games as well as track and field events, the kishores held their 2012 Amrut Cup  5-a-side football tournament.

On the final day, sadguru sadhus in recorded interviews shared their wisdom and personal experiences, shedding further light upon the essence of pleasing Guruhari Pramukh Swami Maharaj  

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