Sanctified by Bhagwan Swaminarayan nearly 200 years ago, Sarangpur has always been a special pilgrim venue for the Swaminarayan Sampraday.
It is a small village located near Botad and is host to two grand mandirs.
The BAPS Mandir in Sarangpur was built by Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj in 1916 and is the second highest Hindu mandir in Gujarat.
It is on the grounds of the BAPS mandir that Pramukh Swami Maharaj inspired the opening of a residential school on 17 June 2002. The Vedic opening ceremony was performed by the kothari of Sarangpur mandir, Pujya Gnaneshwar Swami.
The school will cater for students studying from standard 5 through to standard 12 in both Gujarati and English mediums. Following the common standard 10 board exams, students will be able to opt for the arts, commerce or science streams for their standard 12 exams.
The first intake consists of 104 students studying in standard 5 and 8. Teaching hours are from 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. and include eight regular periods, plus two tuition periods.
To ensure a high standard, tests are taken weekly. Also, spot tests and oral questioning ensure that the students remain up-to-date with all work. Group discussions also help to reinforce and develop the students' understanding.
In addition to the regular subjects, many extra-curricular activities are also available to ensure the all-round development of all students.
Students will be able to learn art, public speaking, electric maintenance, plumbing, computing, music - both vocal and instrumental, and other similar activites.
Th school will provide a high standard of value-based education, in which students will also be taught the importance of a virtuous character as advocated by India's Vedic tradition.
Values, such as, honesty, prayer, patience, compassion, forgiveness, non-violence, respect for parents and elders etc. will equip each student with a sound moral base.
Special Features

* School will have facilities such as library, laboratories, computer labs, gymnasium, etc.
* Daily physical fitness and yoga classes.
* Each student will be taught self-dependent living.

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