Motherhood is a boon and BAPS Shastriji Maharaj Hospital does everything possible to see that it remains so. We offers a host of facilities to ensure high-quality antenatal care for expectant mothers, new mothers and babies.
The department of Gynecology and Obstetrics offers a spectrum of services with a view to expand the horizon of hi-tech care. The latest advances in both the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology accompanied by highly qualified, senior and experienced gynecologists make this department one of the best. The department can handle gynecology or obstetric emergency besides handling routine problems and problems of adolescence, reproductive age group patients and problems related to menopausal women. The department has developed into a tertiary care in a short while and has also emerged as a primary referral for high risk obstetric care in Vadodara.
The department is supported by a senior team of Obstetricians and Gynecologists who have been a pillar of trust over the years at delivering new life and bringing joy with modern care technologies.


  • Painless 
  • Normal and assisted vaginal
  • Routine and surgery
  • Caesarean section
  • Hysterectomy
  • Repair of prolapse
  • Removal of ovarian, tumor, fibroid
  • Advanced endoscopic surgery
  • Uro-gynocological procedure
  • Management of high risk pregnancy
  • Family planning
  • Adolescent gynec problems
  • Cancer screening in gynecology
  • Cancer surgery
  • Counseling – Premarital, Prenatal, Postnatal, etc.

Technology & Infrastructure

  • State of the art endoscopic theater with 3D camera, monitor and ancillary equipment.
  • Well-equipped labour room.
  • Continuous fetal monitor for high risk pregnancy.
  • Epidural anesthesia for painless delivery.
  • Baby friendly nursing care with lactation management.