The Language room for the enrichment of all the four languages, English, Gujarati, Sanskrit and Hindi was inaugurated on 24 Aug’22 in SVM Randesan. The Chief Guests for the inaugural ceremony were Dr. Shree Deepa who is Associate Professor at University of Hyderabad, Dr. Geetha Durairajan who is Professor EFLU Hyderabad and Dr. Jayesh Mandanka, Member of our campus committee and Chairman of BAPS Sanstha.
Program started with Aarti by the guests which was followed by prayer and thought. A small presentation has been made by the higher secondary students to introduce a language room and what purpose it serves. They introduced the language and literature room.
It was followed by a presentation by all the language teachers as to what activities will be conducted in the language room to enhance Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills in students. English language activities to be done in the room. Students of Std 9 & 11 performed a skit with the theme ‘Language beyond Communication’ which highlighted the importance of language for active communication and also conveyed that no language is superior over another.
After the presentation Dr. Shree Deepa and Dr. Geetha Durairajan was invited to give their inputs. She said it's not about what we learn, how we learn is important.She said- “ We might have learnt many things about what, but we need to realise how we learn”. Beyond proficiency, it's about how we use language. Language has potentiality and has the power to be used constructively or destructively. All languages have inherent potential to be used neutrally. She gave an example from Bhagavad ‘Gita Satyam Hitam Priyam Chaiva’. Language to be used for satyam and hitam, language that is satyam and should be used for hitam and it has to be priyam and it needs to be madhuram and madhuryam sense.These kinds of treasure houses are available only in Indian literature and not western world.Language learning should not bring stress in other human being. 
Dr. Geetha ma'am continued telling valuability of the nature of language.Using languages to express one's emotions and feelings appropriately and accurately.She said that we will never be able to do everything in all languages. It is very valuable that we have a lab where we will be able to work constructively on all languages.It was followed by our Assistant Director, Mr. Bharat Mavadia’s Speech. He remarked that very few schools would have such labs in India. It was now our joint responsibility to take maximum advantage of it.  
After the special assembly, all the language teachers and Chief Guests proceeded towards the Language room. Language room was inaugurated by the two Chief Guests. They took a round through the language room and gave a few suggestions to encourage the students to read more books apart from their regular syllabus. They also interacted with a few students regarding the importance of language room that they have now and how they can benefit from it. They told the students to be proud of their mother tongue and marked that all the languages are equally important.
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