Acupuncture (Dry Needling)

Acupuncture is a Chinese system of medicine. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine and thin needles at specific points (acupoints) on the surface of the body through skin. Needling the acupuncture points influence the meridians, unblock the obstructions and re-establish the energy flow through the meridians thus helps in balancing the energy and treating the diseases. Acupuncture is very effective in Pain management, Anxiety, Depression, Hypertension, Spondylosis, Sip Disc, Intra Vertabral Disc Prolapse (IVDP),  Arthritic conditions of all joints.


Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force to aid healing. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses the gentle but firm pressure of hands (and even feet).
In acupressure, local symptoms are considered an expression of the condition of the body as a whole. A tension headache, for instance, may be rooted in the shoulder and neck area. Thus acupressure focuses on relieving pain and discomfort as well as on responding to tension before it develops into a "dis-ease" that is, before the constrictions and imbalances can do further damage. By using a combination of self-help methods such as trigger point stimulation, deep breathing, range-of-motion exercises, and relaxation techniques, you can improve your condition as well as feel more alive, healthy, and in harmony with your life.

Thai Yoga Massage

What is today called "Thai massage" or "Thai yoga massage" is an ancient healing system combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures. The founding father of Thai massage was an Ayurvedic doctor named Jivaka Kumar Bhacca, who is revered still in Thailand as the "father of medicine".
Traditional Thai massage uses no oils or lotions. The recipient remains clothed during a treatment. There is constant body contact between the giver and receiver, but rather than rubbing on muscles, the body is compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked
The massage generally follows designated lines ("sen") in the body. The legs and feet of the giver can be used to position the body or limbs of the recipient. In other positions, hands fix the body, while the feet do the massaging. A full Thai massage session typically lasts two hours or more, and includes rhythmic pressing and stretching of the entire body. This may include pulling fingers, toes, ears, cracking knuckles, walking on the recipient’s back, and moving the recipient’s body into many different positions. There is a standard procedure and rhythm to the massage, which the giver will adjust to fit the receiver.
Thai massage allows the person to attain a true level of relaxation. The stress will be depleted from their muscles. This will facilitate a more fluid range of extension by the muscles. This will help to increase your energy levels. With healthier muscles and increased energy, the person will be able to maintain healthy weights. This will lower blood sugar levels, and reverse the onset of type 2 diabetes, and help with the maintenance of type one diabetes.
Thai massage also enhances the circulatory system. It increases the circulation in the body. With increased circulation, more oxygen will be brought to the brain. This will lower the number of migraines and headaches the individual suffers from. Increased circulation will lower the chances of blood clotting in the arteries. Thai massage will rejuvenate and refresh you. It will help you think clearer because you will feel better after it.