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Day 1- Mr Sumit Ghosal (Knowing your students), Dr Mukesh Dalal( Teachers & Personality)

Mr Ghosal seemed to be the master of child psychology and laid out a new kind of thinking for the students by actually knowing them precisely. His more than decade experiences were amazing  and helped to relate & correlate to the problems well. He provided scientific reasons as to why it is difficult to handle adolescents specially the boys . Lack of the  frontal cortex  is responsible for their emotional phase of life till 21 years, thus, making them more impulsive.

 Dr Mukesh Dalal emphasized on the meaning of personality and the trinity of  personality.He laid the importance of bunch of habits which shape an individual’s personality.The real transformation of habits into personality was focused by Mr Dalal. He aimed to ensure that teacher’s should have a valuable and mesmerizing personality in a school.

Day 2- Ms Jyoti Maru (GPS-Gratitude...Passion .. Sharing), Mr Rajeev Maniyar( Teachers as a leader)

A great learning session by Ms Jyoti Maru on the essence of Gratitude, Passion and Sharing among teachers. The most rightly coined word “GPS” in teacher’s life where we realize our role to assist the students when they are lost on the road of learning. Her sessions helped teachers to recapitulate the learning goals and sharpen their assessments in order to meet the standards of the students.

The four key dimensions of a true leader were highlighted by Mr Rajeev Maniyar . He specified how a teacher plays these roles  in a student’s life. He truly emphasized on the 4 values , 8 essential roles, 9 skills and 7 qualities of a teacher.

Day-3  Pujya GyanVatsal Swamiji ( Beyond the textbooks), Mr Sanjaybhai Patel(Sharpen  your saw)

 Pujya GyanVatsal  Swamiji delved into the most important part of teaching learning pedagogies. Creating quality students in this competitive world . He hammered on the need of flexibility , tendency to probe and ask fundamental questions among children to succeed in life . Swamiji requested the teachers to read biographies of eminent leaders to impart  values and understanding beyond books.

On the last day Shri Sanjaybhai Patel made the teachers understand the need of such training programmes for teachers  and motivated them to sharpen their saws to meet the standards of teaching learning process.

All the teachers actively and enthusiastically participated in the training programme from 8:30 am in the morning till 5:30pm in the evening, savored the food in the Mandir and showcased their interest in the revision session. We , at BAPS SVM aim to provide wings to the teachers so that the children automatically fly with them in the pursuit of education.

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